支店長に惚れられ、エスティシャンにならないかと誘われたため、エステティックフェイシャルを勉強し、エステティシャン・販売員をしていました。 フェイシャルとヘッドマッサージがお客様から人気になり、ボディのマッサージもしてほしいと要望がありました。
そんな時、在日フィリピン人向けの新聞でHilot Therapy Schoolの記事を見つけ、母国フィリピンのヒロットを日本で学べるなんて!と学び始めました。 自分のお客様にBodyとFacialのトリートメントを提供したいと、2007年にヒロットサロン『COCO HILOT』をオープンしました。
My name is Raquel Nakamura,I`m 41 years old.I live`d in Sumida-ku Tokyo.I love doing things like taking photo`s,listening to the music& be with friends..
I have been here in Japan for almost 18 years.
Way back Year 2000 when i was studied esthetic facial here in tokyo.To become an esthetician we do also a simple massage.Some of my clients ask me why don`t you study massage too…?? your hands is like a therapist …
Where in the family ,my sister is also a veteran therapist in the philippines. i ask her that i want to learn hilot ,so that i can serve my client what they really need in terms of relaxation. like One step..One shop then done thier needs….
That`s what happen last 2006 when i saw the the hilot theraphy page in one of the phil.news paper that distributeted in phil.community in Japan.Then i decided to study as a therapist. because i felt something that this is it …this is what i want….this is what i really want to be …a good combination as a etshetician to learn more about the physical theory .to make the story short…
Because of having an experience as a esthetician i open my own salon in Kinshicho (cocohilot)sad to say…it has been last for 4 yrs…..
I love giving massage and talking to my client needs giving some advices too.I can`t explain the feeling ,when i saw them feel relaxed i feel the same way too.
And now i am a therapist/instructor at the same time at Hilot theraphy school.Please come and visit us !!!Enroll now…